Çerez Örnek

Internal Audit Unit;
  • Whether there is an effective internal control system within the university; whether the risk management, internal control system and processes are operating effectively; whether the information produced is correct and complete; whether their assets are protected; Providing reasonable assurance within and outside the University whether the activities are carried out effectively, economically, efficiently and in accordance with the legislation (audit activity),
  • Making suggestions for the systematic evaluation and development of corporate governance, risk management and internal control activities and processes to achieve the university's objectives (consulting activity)
carries out these duties.
  • The Internal Audit Unit cannot operate under any other name than audit (assurance) and consultancy activities; It may conduct investigation activities and issue an inspection report only for the purpose of notifying the top manager of corruption and irregularities.
  • The internal audit unit regularly informs the top manager about the unit activities and also reports the issues that cannot be agreed with the audited units and the monitoring results to the top manager. Necessary measures are taken by the senior manager and the head of the internal audit unit in order to ensure that the internal audit activity is carried out effectively and in accordance with auditing standards and ethical rules.
  • In the internal audit units, technical or expert personnel from within the administration or from other administrations may be temporarily assigned within the scope of audit activities to be carried out in specific areas.

Ege Üniversitesi